
Men's Ministry
"Iron sharpening Iron"
We meet for Men's Bible Study and other activities meant to support, build and empower.
Bro. A. Dwayne Durant

Women's Ministry
We meet once a month for Women's Bible Study and other activities that are meant
to inspire, encourage and empower.
Pastor Nakisha Graves

Youth Ministry
We meet every Friday night for plenty of fun activities that promote character building,
love for God and each other.
Deaconess Karen Starling
Sis. Ny'Asia Graves
Music Ministry
We uplift and inspire God's people through songs of praise and worship. We meet
every Saturday for rehearsal.
Apostle Willie K. Mitchell
Pastor's Aide
We provide support to the pastor's responsibilities and various needs.
Mother Ruby Whaley
Mother Julia Trotman

Usher Board
We are committed to ensuring order in the house of God during worship service. We operate on a rotating schedule.
Sis. Yolanda Whaley
Praise Dance Ministry
We prepare an atmosphere of worship
that glorifies God through dance.
Sis. Nyasia Graves
Deacon Board
We serve and support the needs of
the church. Our Deacon Board also
includes Deaconesses.
Deacon Paul Rivers

Food Pantry
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month,
we open the C4 Food Pantry to
the public from 10am-12pm.
Mother Ruby Whaley
Sis. Yolanda Whaley

Church Trustees
We clean and handle basic repairs for all public-facing areas of the church,
including the sanctuary, bathrooms,
meeting areas, and offices.
Micka Brockington
We minister to the spiritual needs of the body of Christ (it's members).
Pastor Nakisha Graves
Hospitality Ministry
We create an atmosphere of love and acceptance; ensuring everyone feels welcome in the church, whether stranger/visitor or member.
Sis. Laraina Bell-Durant